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A Deposition Services is an essential component of the discovery procedure.

What is Deposition

A Deposition Services is an integral part of the discovery process.

A deposition is a form of legal questioning that takes place before a trial and is conducted under oath by the attorneys representing the parties involved. The testimony of the witness is recorded so that it can be used as evidence in the court proceeding.

The purpose is to discover what a witness knows before a trial or courtroom proceeding. That way, the attorneys will already know what the witness is going to say on the witness stand. It allows attorneys to prepare their line of questioning ahead of time, so they are not surprised by what the witness says.

Witnesses will speak different languages. Multilingual societies like the US have many languages. Witnesses may not speak English. During this, an interpreter will translate the witness's testimony since American legal proceedings use English.

Why Choose Us

Our interpreters work online or in-person. You must schedule an in-person interpreter appointment with us for most depositions. We’re confident we can find a qualified interpreter for your date.

Deposition VS Standard Interpreter

  • A deposition interpreter is trained in legal terminology in each language.
  • Witnesses must comprehend the attorneys' deposition tactics.
  • This interpreter must translate the terminology so witnesses can understand it.
  • If witnesses don't understand the attorneys' questions, they won't give clear and accurate testimony.
  • Legal terminology may be unfamiliar to standard interpreters.
  • These translators can only translate basic conversational language, not legal or court language.
  • Attorneys on both sides will use advanced legal terminology in depositions.
  • A standard interpreter would not work here.
"Contact Us
For Assistance"

To speak with a representative and learn more about how we can assist you, please call (626) 521 -5828 to learn more.

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